Jesus readily engaged with people who did not share his
“identity”, either as Jewish, Palestinian, male, able-bodied. In fact, this openness to diversity made people who shared his Jewish identity
John Bell suggests that Christianity is strengthened by a
founder who believed in faith as a potential for good in all people. He also
asserts that this does not dilute the uniqueness of Jesus for those who follow
him. Do you agree?
image: He Qi, Jesus and the Samaritan
Christ certainly modelled inclusivity; however, Christian society has managed to change that into exclusivity in some strange way. While Jesus was a man who had a blessed and holy relationship with God, I don’t think his relationship was something we all couldn’t have. There is divinity in us all. Jesus wasn’t the founder of Christianity; however, the faith he lived was his gift he left for us all. Through his example, and through the example of other faithful Christians, I have met the Christ and felt Christ’s love. The message of Jesus was a message of love; the same message that God is holding available for our lives. Love can come through people everywhere. No one faith group has the corner on that market!
ReplyDeleteWhen we are sharing faith stories with someone from a different faith tradition - not with the intention of converting them - is it still evangelism (sharing the good news?) As a church we worry so much about survival, does that influence how we understand evangelism?